Friday, January 18, 2013

In The Line of Duty

Trauma surgeons have a number of phrases that they say to those in training, sort of like in the military to the 'grunts'. The phrases are funny because they have an essential truth in them. Today I will share the adage, 'In Trauma (surgery), remember, the life you save may one day live to take your own.'

Yesterday while I was writing about Ascension, I omitted an important event: while I was saving the life of the patient that had something bad going on in their lungs and they couldn't breathe. They coughed a lung full of air on me right when I was taking in a breath!

My first reaction was 'gross!' but quickly my focus went back to my patient who was going to get the tube. My second reaction was while I was writing the procedure into the medical record--'I hope it is something for the immunocompromised and won't affect someone healthy like me?' My third reaction was just before I woke up. I had the chills but was not sure if it was the 'flu' or the energy downloads I ask my Guides to 'crank up' to get me towards Ascension. I tell them 'crank up my vibration as much as you can to the point of pain if you must' and also 'I don't care if I turn see-through or look different through the changes--I just want it to be complete'.

So I don't know. I don't know if the 'flu' that has been going through my workplace like wildfire was incubating in my system before I got the exposure to a respiratory illness from my patient.

I have to wait and see.

What have I been exposed to in my work? Well, I got 'stuck' with a needle twice. Once while sewing closed the skin of an infant after congenital heart surgery. That was with a solid needle, and low risk. (Two surgeons got 'stuck' on Monday, a rare thing in the career of a surgeon, in two separate O.R.'s) The other time was with a hollow needle in my work as an attending in 2001. Nothing happened, but both times I made the call, went to employee health, and coordinated the blood draws of the patient and my own blood per protocol.

I know of an ER physician who was intubated and on disability after intubating someone in extremis (ready to die) in the ER with some mystery disease. It was similar in presentation and disease  (although I can't tell you more details). I have made it past the 'window' where she succumbed so I guess I am going to be okay. I also have asked St. Germain and his Violet Flame to help me out.

Father Damien, the priest who took care of the leprosy colony on Molokai, Hawaii, eventually succumbed to the disease himself.

Next time you go to the doctor, remember that your doc, and all the team, put their life on the line every day so you can have a place to go when you are sick and want to feel better.

And the more I see things like 'the flu arriving on cue' with the news broadcasts,  the more I see the value in whole, organic, life-giving foods and lifestyle.

When medicines won't work, traditional ones are the last hope.

Yesterday in the OR I was reading this article about The Mandrake--    Mandragora: Anesthetic of the Ancients                           .  It is fascinating, the use of plants to heal. I hope you enjoy the article too. I just checked, and it is apparently fifteen dollars to view if you are not a subscriber like me. Such is the world of publishing. If you have access to an electronic library, I am sure you will be able to find a link to the article for free.


Reiki Doc