Monday, February 16, 2015

Gaia News Brief 16.2.2015

Things To Know

This came out yesterday. I didn't read it. I just read it today.

It answers two of my internal 'issues' I have been mulling around recently:

  • I completely turned my nose up at the request from John Smallman to 'join for world peace' on Valentine's day, with the REASON being that I felt strongly in my heart that INDIVIDUAL meditation and knowledge of self will be LOST in a 'group effort' and therefore reinforce the Illusion. The explanation here by Jesus is most appreciated and now I understand the concept John was after. Personally, I pray for Divine Peace twice a day ever since I learned it four or five years ago. I won't stop.
  • 'Us and Them'.  Currently I am in Vail, Colorado. There is a conference. I've 'picked up' a lot of 'energies' from the ski crowd. The Wold Ski Championships was held here overlapping my event. I've done a lot of meditating and 'felt' that the mountains really don't like all these ski slopes and the energy of competition on them. So I have been loving Nature, as well as shining my Light for those present here at the hotel and the slopes.  I do enjoy skiing and went back to the slopes for the first time since college. I hope one day mountains again will be sacred, not just another -Fourteen Club Notch-on the belt...or a way to immerse more deeply in the illusion.
  • Doing things with love--Anthony is here--and we both couldn't get any sleep for two nights. They upgraded us to a king bed--sofa bed room. Usually we share a king if it's the only room available. He took up the whole bed night before last, so I opened the sofa bed for him (it's really hard for me to lift) and invited him to have his own bed. Well, last night, we watched SNL 40 years (total cast with many 'ties' to um, 'those who do not have their best interest at heart'--but still much loved entertainers)--and he fell asleep in the King bed. But he has a cold, and the sounds coming from his nose were not pleasant. He prefers breathing out his nose instead of his mouth. Anthony grinds his teeth at night something horrible. I listened to the pattern, and realized he had sleep apnea, grind to wake up, and then breath. So I helped him to sleep on his side. I had actually moved him to the sofa bed, but then I realized I had been snoring too, and he begged me, 'Mom, PLEASE can I go to the good bed? I haven't had ANY sleep!'  So I let him. I blessed him. I sent Reiki to him. And he is fast asleep right now. Lack of sleep was one of my 'triggers'--I'd go frantic. But now for the conference, I have my favorite packet of Vietnamese instant coffee (the OR staff calls it 'crack coffee' with a smile)--and I go to the sessions. I am a little late, but spirit wanted me to write to you.
We also got a new Divine Healing Code for carpal tunnel:  55 35 796
My hands were going numb as I drove from Denver to Vail--really bad--and Ross bless his heart, sent it. I used it and the numbness improved a LOT and I was able to make it with both hands on the wheel through the tunnel and the rest of the mountain roads.

I'm just going to write for both of us--we love you--and we wish you a happy last day of your three day weekend in the states.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla who love you<3